fbpx American Diagnostic Corporation - Core Medical Device Manufacturer. Stethoscopes, Blood Pressure, Thermometry, and EENT

General Information

Can I send products manufactured by other companies to ADC for repair?

Regrettably ADC can only repair and service products manufactured by ADC. If you need assistance identifying the manufacturer of the brand of product you own, please call our toll free number at 1-800-ADC-2670.

Can I return ADC products to my local ADC dealer for repair?

Yes, your local ADC dealer can assist you with replacement parts or warranty service either directly or by forwarding your product to ADC for servicing on your behalf.

I can’t seem to watch your videos. What’s wrong?

You might be in a region of the world that does not permit Youtube. Our videos are also published on the Vimeo high definition video service and are located at: Vimeo Page

Does ADC provide assistance with exports, customs, or regulatory authorities in other countries?

Yes! Contact our customer service department for assistance with your export requirements. Our trained staff can help you obtain any information needed for foreign registrations, customs documents, or other regulatory/technical information required for the products. Certificates to Foreign Governments are also available upon request for international customers.

Does ADC have official distributors outside of the US?

Yes, ADC has a global distribution network and there may be a distributor in your area! For more information, contact our customer service department and we will be glad to assist you with your international business questions. Click here for contact information

Are ADC devices registered or licensed in other countries?

Yes! ADC maintains licensing and registration in a number of other countries, most notably Canada and the European Union. Information relating to license numbers and CE certificates may be obtained by contacting ADC’s regulatory department.

Some medical devices have a 510(k) number. What is this and do ADC devices have a 510(k) number?

A 510(k) number is a premarket notification number that is required for certain classes of medical devices in the US. Generally, devices that are higher risk require premarket notification to the FDA prior to bringing the devices to market. The 510(k) number is issued once a company has proven that a device is substantially equivalent in performance and safety to other devices already existing on the market. ADC manufactures and distributes a number of devices that require premarket notification, and the 510(k) numbers for these devices are available from our regulatory department.

I notice that some websites promote that their products are FDA approved, but ADC does not. Why?

As mentioned in an earlier FAQ, the FDA does not endorse specific medical devices or medical device manufacturers. Companies that list their products as FDA approved are misbranding these medical devices in violation of the laws and regulations of the United States.

Are ADC’s products FDA approved?

The FDA does not endorse specific medical devices or medical device manufacturers. American Diagnostic Corporation is fully registered with the FDA and in compliance with all state and national regulations governing the manufacture and distribution of medical devices. For information relating to ADC’s registration information, please contact our regulatory department at regaffairs@adctoday.com

What is covered under my product warranty? What is not covered?

Warranties vary by product. Typically, and unless stated otherwise, the entire product is covered for the duration of the warranty, including all repair parts and labor. Warranty coverage typically does not include postage to and from our service center. Warranties also do not cover incidental and consequential damages unless prohibited by state law.
