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How can I obtain the most accurate readings from my home blood pressure monitor?

A number of factors can affect the readings obtained by your automatic blood pressure monitor and it is important to keep several of these in mind when preparing to take a reading. The following points should be considered before measurement:

  • In order to obtain comparable readings, you should take your blood pressure at the same time each day. We recommend that you take readings when first rising in the morning, unless otherwise recommended by your physician.
  • Arm positioning is very important; your blood pressure cuff should be at heart level, and you should support your arm on an armrest that will hold the cuff in position. When using a wrist model, care should be taken to place your wrist on an armrest or other support at heart level.
  • You should not take measurements immediately after exercise, after consuming food/drink, or after consuming alcohol or nicotine. These factors can affect blood pressure measurements and lead to inaccurate readings.
  • You should not talk while taking your blood pressure, as this can create sound artifacts that may impact your reading.  Even just the effort of speaking will elevate blood pressure.
  • It is recommended that you take your blood pressure on your left arm where possible. Measurements on your right arm and your left arm may not necessarily always correspond with one another and comparing readings from different arms is not recommended. Always take your blood pressure on the same arm when possible.
  • You should sit with your back and arm supported in a comfortable position and with your legs uncrossed when taking your blood pressure. Note that lying down while taking your blood pressure can greatly impact the measurement results and it is recommended that you remain sitting upright where possible for all measurements.
  • Where possible rest 5 minutes before beginning measurement
  • Where possible take multiple readings and average them.  If you have an Advantage monitor with MAM technology, we recommend using the multiple reading mode.  Allow one minute of rest between measurements.
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