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Is mercury dangerous?

Yes and no. Some mercury compounds - mercury chemically bonded to other elements can be quite toxic. On the other hand, 99.9999% pure elemental liquid mercury will not be absorbed within the system. In fact, if accidentally ingested it will pass. However, prolonged exposure to elemental mercury vapor is very dangerous. ADC mercury blood pressure instruments contain less than 2 oz of elemental mercury and pose no measurable health risk. In addition, to reduce the risk of accidental exposure, our instruments are equipped with unbreakable PVC cartridge tubes, reservoir locks to secure the mercury within the reservoir during maintenance and transport, and the EZ-Tube system to allow safe access to damping filters. Elemental mercury will bond instantly to gold jewelry (it was often used in the panning of gold). Therefore, all jewelry should be removed when assembling, or servicing mercury instruments or cleaning accidental spills. If exposed to mercury, gold jewelry should be brought to a reputable jeweler for proper cleaning. Many states and municipalities have restricted or banned, in their entirety, the sale of products containing mercury including mercury sphygmomanometers. The link below is a list of current ordinances. Please contact your local EPA branch for guidance on restrictions that might exist in your state. Click here for Mercury Laws

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