fbpx American Diagnostic Corporation - Core Medical Device Manufacturer. Stethoscopes, Blood Pressure, Thermometry, and EENT
By: Carole Vande Velde, Director of Marketing
We know how much our customers have loved the Adscope-Lite 609, because you’ve told us. Every day. But we knew we could make it even better. So we took the 609 – our lightest clinician model and best-selling Adscope overall – and re-engineered it.
By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
Meet the Jewel Collection, our line of translucent, gem-inspired Clinician scopes in five distinct colors: Blue Diamond, Rose Quartz, Sapphire Ice, Sea Glass, and Amethyst. The striking tubing of our Jewel Collection offers differing levels of clarity.
By: Carole Vande Velde / Director of Marketing
Warranties are a key component of a product’s value, and ADC has some of the most comprehensive in the industry. Most models in our Adscope Cardiology and Clinician lines offer lifetime warranties, meaning a lifetime of savings on parts and repairs.

Product Spotlight

By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
Accurate temperature measurements start with the right brand of thermometer. But there’s a lot more involved, like good technique and understanding how different variables can affect your readings.
By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
Thirty-five years. If you asked me 36 years ago if I would co-own and manage a business this long I would have said you were nuts. I was just 25 when Neal and I cofounded ADC with a whopping $35,000 in start-up capital.
By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
One of the most important parts of a blood pressure instrument is the cuff, which wraps around the patient’s limb and occludes the artery. In automated NIBP, the cuff does double duty, imparting air pressure, occluding the artery and acting as a “sensor”.
By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
Good or bad, we want to hear from you. Whether you are an authorized ADC dealer selling our product or a medical professional or institution owning and using that product, we want your feedback. We believe you learn far more from mistakes and criticism.
By: Carole Vande Velde / Director of Marketing
Almost 50 years ago, the U.S. marked its first observance of Earth Day. The event focused on environmental education. Since then, supporters have worked to make Earth Day a day of awareness and action with a focus on long-term ecological sustainability.
By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
Although the average price of core diagnostic products is relatively low, you still want to make sure you get your money’s worth. We’ve all learned some hard lessons about buying cheap; yet choosing the highest-priced option isn’t always the solution.
By: Marc Blitstein / President & CEO
The electronic scope market is different from the acoustic scope market for a few key reasons. First, there just aren’t that many electronic models from which to choose. Second, because price points are relatively high – $199 to $600 or more.
