We’re pleased to announce the publication of catalogue 123. Our full line, 156 page catalogue features hundreds of new items plus the thousands of ADC products that have become industry standards for quality and value. Authorized dealers should have recently received their complimentary copy. Anyone can download a digital copy for free by clicking on this link or the button below. If you have a tablet or smartphone you can save it to the device and access it page by page in PDF form much like our printed book. What better way to keep it handy wherever you are?
The new catalogue features an expanded section for our game changing line of EENT instruments. The 12 page section describes our comprehensive line of 2.5v and 3.5v diagnostic instruments including Otoscopes, Ophthalmoscopes, Dermascopes and other specialty EENT instruments and sets. Instruments are now available in pocket (2.5v), portable (2.5v or 3.5v), desk (3.5v) and wall mount (3.5v) systems. Illumination options include vacuum lamp, halogen/xenon, and state of the art LED. Just released, our 2.5v Pocket LED instruments.
Also new to our printed pages, ADC’s line of designer print cuffs including our Cuffs for a CauseTM. We offer 5 prints – Peter’s Blue Swirly, Adimals, Medical Theme, Hearts and Ribbons (benefiting American Cancer Society, and Puzzle Pieces (benefiting Els for Autism Foudation). They are shown on the various product pages offering these cuffing options. Three of the most popular designs – Adimals, Hearts and Ribbons, and Puzzle Pieces have also been introduced in our Mini-Medicut™ shears for those that want a truly coordinated look.
Our Adcuff™ Bariatric cuff, is the first cuff specifically designed to properly fit the bariatric patient. The cuff is sold in single tube, double tube, and inflation system configurations for use with most manual instruments or NIBP monitors offering a manual mode (such as our Adview™ or Esphyg™ 2). We also offer a bariatric pocket aneroid for those that need a complete instrument.
At about 2 seconds for a reading, our Adtemp™ 417 is the fastest digital stick thermometer on the market.
For institutional buyers looking for the MOST cost effective high quality general exam scopes, we’ve developed the PROSCOPE™ SPU – fully assembled bulk packaged scopes. You can now get Proscope™ quality at truly single patient use prices. Available in single head (660), dual head (670), pediatric (675) and infant (676) series in up to 5 popular colors, each scope is fully assembled, packaged in a polybag, 10 bags/carton, 5 cartons (50 scopes) per case.
Our tactical themed products are among our best sellers. We currently offer various ADSCOPES™ in tactical. Look for other tactical products to be offered in the next year.
Our 5th generation line of Advantage™ home BP monitors offer a more compact footprint, improved feature sets, extended range cuffs (most models) and a host of other features - many at lower pricing.
ADC products are still sold ONLY through authorized resellers – over 1500 strong worldwide. Our newly improved where to buy feature on our website will now instantly direct US customers to participating domestic retailers. Foreign consumers should email for details. Of course, anyone can call us toll free 1-800-ADC-2670. Our friendly, knowledgeable CS staff would be happy to assist you.
A lot of effort goes into the publication of this catalogue and we hope you find it helpful. We’d love to hear from you either way.
Download Our Catalogue