But before that can happen, our in-house purchasing department and logistics team, planning out as far 12 months, orders parts, packaging, and materials from our exclusive ISO certified manufacturing partners (including our own manufacturing subsidiary) throughout the world. We were an early adopter of a global supply chain solution to ensure we could produce the best products at prices that make sense.
ADC’s own warehousing team receives those shipments of components and stores them in our massive facility on Long Island, New York. Our quality control teams (located both offshore and in-house) inspect the components and products, both before vendor shipment and upon receipt in New York, to ensure they meet global and our more stringent ADC standards. Although we have dedicated quality staff, every single ADC employee – no matter their role – is empowered to raise questions or concerns.
Our production department then builds our finished products from these components: Adscope stethoscopes, Diagnostix sphymomanometers, otoscope and ophthalmoscope instrument sets, and Adview vital signs monitors, to name a few. We build nearly one million pieces a month. But before these end up on our ready-to-ship shelves, one more team, the FQC department, inspects the manufactured items to ensure they’re built both to spec and our standards of workmanship.